What makes us human is not our mind
Not our ability to think but our ability
More About this Book
This book offers the reader a fuller understanding of the Eucharist through the story of the disciples on their way to Emmaus. Nouwen is answering the questions: How can all of my life be Eucharistic, and how can the daily celebration of the Eucharist make it that way? Nouwen focuses on five main aspects of the Eucharistic celebration: loss, presence, invitation, communion and mission, with a particular attention to the spiritual movement from resentment to gratitude.
Themes: Jesus, Spiritual Life, God, Loss, Service, Community, The Eucharist, Loss, Presence, Invitation, Communion, Mission, Resentment, Gratitude, Lostness, Home, Loss, Loss of our dreams, Loss of our faith, Mourning our losses, To grieve, Lord, have mercy prayer, Mercy, Evil, Contrition
Orbis Books,1994
Praise for "With Burning Hearts"
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