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A Beautiful Adventure:
the Gift of the Arts in Spiritual Formation
4-Part Video Series
The Henri Nouwen Society invites you to join us for our upcoming annual meditation series. This year’s FREE 4-part video series integrates compelling teaching with space for spiritual practice, as Carolyn Arends invites us to embark on a beautiful adventure exploring the way the arts can enliven and deepen our spiritual lives.
A downloadable Reflection Guide will accompany each video.
A Spirituality of Fundraising
5-Part Video Series
Available on Vimeo On Demand!
Henri Nouwen’s book A Spirituality of Fundraising was a ground-breaking paradigm shift that has been shaping both those who give and those who raise funds for decades. Produced by the Henri Nouwen Society in partnership with World Vision, this 5-part video series brings together philanthropists and fundraisers for honest and rich conversations about spiritual postures and practices for health and sustainability.
Past Events
Lent 2024 | Live Zoom Conversations
Guided by Henri Nouwen’s book “Show Me the Way,” Executive Director, Bruce Adema, and our Director of Development, Wendy VanderWal Martin, host LIVE Zoom conversations throughout the season of Lent.
Nov 2023 | Tyndale University
A celebration marking the legacy & retirement of executive director Karen Pascal. Special guests included: award-winning singer-songwriter, Steve Bell, former Tyndale President, Brian Stiller, Prison Fellowship’s Stacey Campbell, Kingsway-Lambton United Church Choir, & more.
October 2023 | Watch on YouTube
FREE webinar that brings together philanthropists and fundraisers for an honest and rich conversation about spiritual postures and practices for health and sustainability. Featuring Brian Bachan, Rose Feerick, Mark Peterson & Wendy VanderWal Martin.
Summer 2023 | Watch on YouTube
A 5-part meditation video series designed to offer a focused reflection on our spiritual journey. Featuring Robert Ellsberg, friend and publisher of Henri Nouwen, the series focuses on the lives of Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, and Henri Nouwen.
April 2023 | Watch on YouTube
A Book Launch webinar for Nouwen’s latest treasure, featuring special guests: Laurent Nouwen, Henri’s younger brother, good friend Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Robert Ellsberg, long time friend and publisher.
December 3, 2022 | Watch on YouTube
A special Advent webinar featuring an in-depth conversation with two life-long peace activists, award-winning actor Martin Sheen and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Fr. John Dear.
Sept 21, 2022 | Watch on YouTube
Featuring rare video clips of Henri Nouwen, and special guests: Rodleigh Stevens, founder and leader of the Flying Rodleighs, Carolyn Whitney-Brown, co-author of Flying, Falling, Catching, and British filmmaker Bart Gavigan.
July 16-Aug 13, 2022 | Watch on YouTube
“From Fear to Love: Spiritual Grounding in Anxious Times” is a 5-part video series featuring best-selling author and retreat leader Marjorie J. Thompson. Each video has free PDF downloads & transcripts.
May 24, 2022 | Watch on YouTube
Featured keynote for 2022’s Voices for Peace — award-winning author and the publisher of Orbis books, Robert Ellsberg, talks about creating a culture of peace that embraces the radical vision of the Beatitudes.
Sept 21, 2021 | Watch on YouTube
On the 25th Anniversary of Henri Nouwen’s death, an online celebration of his remarkable life and legacy, featuring: Robert Jonas, Rev. Margaret Bullet-Jonas, Robert Ellsberg, Sr. Sue Mosteller, Fred Rogers & Fr. John Dear
June 4-5, 2021 | Online Conference
25th Anniversary Online Conference, featuring Sr. Helen Prejean, Sr. Simone Campbell, Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Dr. C. Vanessa White, Dr. Roberto Goizueta, Rev. Marjorie Thompson & Chris Pritchett
March 24, 2021 | Webinar
An online event with good friends who knew Henri Nouwen well & share memories, featuring: Parker J. Palmer with Michael J. Christensen, Rebecca Laird, & Sr. Sue Mosteller.
Sept 24, 2021 | Watch on YouTube
A Free Online Event, featuring: Carl MacMillan, Lori Vaanholt, Robert Morgan, Gabrielle Earnshaw, Clara Fraschetti, & Lorenzo Sforza-Cesarini
Oct 28, 2020 | Watch on YouTube
A Free Online Webinar, featuring: “A Spirituality of Fundraising” with Nathan Ball & Melissa Spas
April 19, 2019 | Listen to Keynotes
2nd Annual Conference on Peacemaking in Toronto, featuring: Kathy Kelly, Dee Dee, Fr. Bob Holmes & Paul Pynkoski
April 28, 2018 | Listen to Keynotes
1st Annual Conference on Peacemaking in Toronto, featuring: Jim Forest & Shad
Feb 9-10, 2018 | Watch on YouTube
Two Day Conference at University of San Diego, featuring: Sr. Sue Mosteller, John Dear, Shane Claiborne, Robert Ellsberg, Gabrielle Earnshaw & Joe Abbey-Colborne
Nov 3-4, 2017 | Conference
Two Day Conference at Yale Divinity School, featuring: Ron Rolheiser, Robert Ellsberg, Jim Forest & Michael W. Higgins
Aug 18-19, | Workshop
Two Day Workshop in Charlotte, NC, featuring: Ron Rolheiser, Gabrielle Earnshaw, Joe Abbey-Colborne, Sr. Sue Mosteller, Rev. Marjorie Thompson & Carla D’Rozario
June 27, 2017 | Watch on YouTube
Feature Film “Journey of the Heart” Screening and Q&A with Director/Producer Karen Pascal
June 9-11, 2016 | Watch on YouTube
An International Conference, at the University of Toronto, featuring: Shane Claiborne, Ron Rolheiser, Gabrielle Earnshaw, Sr. Sue Mosteller, Esther de Waal, & Steve Bell
May 13, 2016
An Evening with best-selling author Anne Lamott at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto,
Nov 14, 2015
An evening with best-selling author and social activist Jim Wallis at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto
April 21, 2015 | Book Launch
“Love, Henri” Book Launch Celebration, featuring editor Gabrielle Earnshaw & actor Joe Abbey-Colborne
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