What makes us human is not our mind
Not our ability to think but our ability
More About this Book
This book was written for ministers in response to the question: “How can we minister in an apocalyptic situation?” Nouwen draws from the writings of the desert mothers and fathers who lived in the Egyptian desert during the fourth and fifth centuries, believing they offer a “very important perspective on our life as ministers.” The book considers the idea of “fleeing from the world” (solitude), the importance of silence for the spirituality of the minister and presents the invitation to “pray always”. It is a short book but is deeply impactful despite its simplicity and will encourage people to take the disciplines of solitude, silence and prayer more seriously. It is an uplifting and easy read.
Themes: Solitude, Silence, Prayer, Contemplation, Spiritual Life, Desert Mothers and Fathers, Christian Leaders, God, Ministry
Harper Collins, 1981
Praise for "The Way of the Heart"
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