What makes us human is not our mind
Not our ability to think but our ability
More About the Book
This book was written by Henri Nouwen at the invitation of his editor Bob Heller at Crossroads. It is a “long examination of faith, an extended personal statement of faith and a series of glimpses into the kingdom of God.” The book is divided into 11 chapters: Living in the Present, Joy, Suffering, Conversion, Disciplined Living, The Spiritual Life, Prayer, Compassion, Family, Relationships, Who We Are. The book is a coherent vision of the spiritual life as Henri Nouwen understood it after 40 years of ministry and 60 years of life.
“My hope is that the description of God’s love in my life will give you the freedom and courage to discover – and maybe also describe – God’s love in yours.” (Here and Now, 202)
Themes: God, Spiritual Life, Identity, Present Moment, Joy, Suffering, Conversion, Prayer, Compassion, Family, Relationships
Crossroad, 1994
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