What makes us human is not our mind
Not our ability to think but our ability
More About this Book
A Nouwen classic. This book is in response to the question: “What does it mean to live a life in the Spirit of Jesus Christ?” Using his own life as a guide, Nouwen offers incisive reflection about the challenges of living an authentic Christian life including inner restlessness, mixed feelings towards others and deep-seated suspicions about the absence of God. He then offers the antidote – reaching out to self, others, and God. The book is divided into through three movements: the movement from loneliness to solitude, the movement from hostility to hospitality and the movement from illusion to prayer. Nouwen doesn’t offer solutions so much as the strength to pursue the search for an authentic Christian life. This is a book to be read, reread, pondered and shared with others.
Themes: Spiritual life, Solitude, Silence, Hospitality, Prayer, God, Restlessness, God’s Absence, Relationships, Friendship, Loneliness, Competition
Doubleday, 1975
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